Fusion Embedded™ RTP/RTCP
Real-time Transport Protocol and Real-time Transport Control Protocol
The Fusion Embedded™ Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) stack was designed to enable the transport of real-time data over packet-oriented data networks such as the Internet. Fusion Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) is a companion protocol that is used for gathering statistics on the performance of the connection. These statistics are used to dynamically adjust and optimize for current network conditions.
In the context of RTP, real-time data generally refers to audio and video data, but the RFC does not impose any restrictions on the nature of the RTP payload. RTP was developed primarily to suit the needs of multi-participant multimedia conferences, but its use is not limited to these kinds of applications and indeed it can be of value any time there is a need to transport real-time information over a packet network, and in particular over a network based on the Internet Protocol.
Note: For information on the security-enhanced implementation of Fusion RTP, go to our Fusion SRTP page.

Because Fusion Embedded RTP takes care of many of the networking aspects of RTP, the developer of an RTP application is free to focus on the issues that are more important to the application – RTP payloads, encoding and decoding media streams, etc.
Fusion Embedded RTP takes advantage of multi-point unicast UDP socket support to allow RTP packets to be sent to multiple unicast destinations with no additional copies of RTP payload data. It also integrates with Fusion Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) for network timestamps, and can be used with an RTOS or in polled-mode.

Fusion Embedded RTP Features
- Supports multiple concurrent RTP sessions
- Integrates seamlessly with Fusion SIP
- Supports multicast, unicast, and multi-point unicast UDP sessions
- Supports mulitple send and receive streams per session
- Provides jitter buffer with configurable depth
- Maintains session data base, including RTCP information and statistics including jitter, delay, packet loss, and timestamps
- Calculates RTCP bandwith based per RFC 1890
- Includes API for configuring Source Description Items
- Provides Synchronizing Source Collision Resolution (SSRC) and loop detection
- Includes asynchronous notification API for events that occur on send and receive streams
- Includes API to add Contributing Sources

RFC Compliance
- RFC 1889; (RTP)
- RFC 1890; (RTCP)
- RFC 2508; (RTP Header Compression)
- RFC 3550; (RTP)
- RFC 3551; (RTCP)
- RFC 3711; (SRTP)
- RFC 2833; (Out of Band DTMF Tones)

Phone: +1-678-208-2250 E-mail: sales@unicoi.com